Our history
How it all started
Diös as we know it today was formed in 2005 when Erik Paulsson along with a few others joined forces to purchase both the brand and the first portfolio valued at SEK 1.1 billion from AP-fastigheter. In 2006 the company was listed on the stock market and Persson Invest became its major shareholder. Norrvidden was acquired in 2011 and the company went from SEK 5 billion to SEK 12 billion in property value. The next large acquisition took place in 2017 with a further SEK 4.5 billion in property value from Castellum. A strategy focused on urban development was adopted and the property portfolio was condensed to focus on 10 cities of growth. This has created a clearly defined company that has seen a doubling in value since 2014.
"You have to believe in the future and also be a little curious." The man behind the words is Anders Diös. He was born in Dalarna in 1891 and started his own construction company at the age of 30. Anders became known as the "great builder" with high ambitions and a great personal commitment. He felt a joy in the work and was careful with the details. The business flourished and during the middle of the 20th century, Anders Diös AB was one of the country's largest construction companies.
In 2000, AP Fastigheter bought Diös from the stock exchange and the company name disappeared. Five years later, however, AP Fastigheter chose to sell all properties north of Uppsala to a newly formed Norrland-company with several heavy entrepreneurial families behind it. They breathed life into history and named the company Diös Fastigheter AB. In May 2006, the company was listed on the stock exchange and another five years later, the real estate company Norrvidden was acquired. Diös then became the largest privately owned real estate company in northern Sweden.
The connection between today's Diös and Anders Diö's life's work is above all in the name and in our logo, Anders' own signature. And one thing is for sure; it was wise to maintain and nurture the name that for decades has been associated with drive and commitment. Dagens Diös continues in the same spirit and works simply, closely and actively. And we know that anything is possible if you believe in the future and are also a little curious.